Care to caption this cartoon?  John Palfrey: Pornographer sues Google on 12 grounds.  The Dowbrigade cats aren't planning to sell their Google stock.  Vancouver harbor at surise from the window in my hotel room.  Adam Curry surfaces in the UK.  The audio for the Election 2004 session at BloggerCon is ready.  Had a great time at the dinner in my honor at the Phnom Penh restaurant in Vancouver's Chinatown. All kinds of topics came up. A couple of people who had been to BloggerCon at Stanford earlier this month. A MORE user from the 80s (still has the bright eyes and big smile that was the hallmark of that community, this was before the Web and blogger dinners so not too many met each other, but I met them). We ate frog legs, but most of us thought it was chicken (me too). The food was delicious. Talked a lot about OPML, directories, Manila, Frontier, podcasting, what it all means. There are Jay McCarthy fans here, so far away from Lowell, I count myself among their number. At the end of the night about fifteen of the Vancouver bloggers walked me back to my hotel. Basically bloggers who come to these dinners are very nice people, we talk about their city, their country, I get tutored in the language and the currency, and hear a lot of ideas that I then incorporate into my view of things. I like that. Darren Barefoot has a list of the people who were there and links to their sites.  As usual in-room high speed Internet isn't high speed. It's choppy. They use a service called FatPort. It keeps disconnecting.  
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