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Harvard Gazette report on the Credibility conference.  News & Record: Dave Winer's coming! And you're invited!  A place to discuss Sunday night's dinner in DC. 
Danny Sullivan on MSN's feeds & Bill Gates's memo on interop. 
On this day in 2001, RSS 0.92 got a new element: category. 
Starting with the basics, feeds.scripting.com has a "River of News" style aggregator, subscribed to all the sites that have ever been in the Top 100 most-subscribed-to feeds. Basically, instead of having to hunt for new stories by clicking on the titles of feeds (the standard way readers work) you just view the page of new stuff and scroll through it. It's like sitting on the bank of a river, watching the boats go by. If you miss one, no big deal. You can even make the river flow backward by moving the scollbar up.   Pito Salas is playing with social networks and aggregators.  
Here's another top-xxx list that leaves out most of the people who should be on it. They're talking about key innovators in the last 15 years. Let's see, 15 years ago is 1990. Uhh, shouldn't someone from Microsoft should be on that list? Why is Dan Bricklin there? (I know, everyone likes him, but his innovations were in the late 70s, not after the early 90s.) What about TBL and his colleagues at CERN? Ben and Mena? Yes, they sure are cute, but they're copiers, not innovators. How about Jean-Louis Gassee and the people of Be? Otherwise the list is interesting, and surely helps the Demo conference promote, because their main participants are secret until the show. And it's absolutely great to see Stewart back in the emcee role after passing off to David Coursey so many years ago. (BTW, if you're premiering a product at Demo and want some advance publicity let me know. I love sneaking stuff.)  What's the story with ties? It's one of the few (only?) pieces of clothing that appears to serve no functional purpose. Why do people wear ties? Do you wear one? Why? Do they hold something up, or together? I never wear ties, and I don't think I'm missing anything. Am I?  Straight Dope: "The wearing of neck cloths dates back at least to the time of the Roman legions, when soldiers wore a neck band to catch the sweat or block the cold, depending on the season."  Pictures taken in Times Square this afternoon. Movie #1: Watching television at home. More movies: Watching television in Times Square. One more Times Square TV movie. Lexington Avenue downtown local, pulling into Grand Central.
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