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CareerBuilder.Com is building momentum.  Best commercial so far: GoDaddy.Com.   Most pathetic: FedEx Kinkos.  AP podcasting article. No new angles, and all the usual bs.  
Is Mary Hodder brilliant or what? She and her friends go for a hike in the Los Altos Hills while TiVO records the SuperBowl. When they return, skip over the football and watch the commercials. Read that twice.   Thanks to Chris Pirillo for the pointer to iFilm's Super Bowl Ads site.  Five years ago today, Amsterdam and Boston street pictures.  Today's first-ever Scripting News brunch A partial list of people who participated.  Doppler Radio 2.0 is out. "Doppler 2.0 is a different story."  Be sure to check out Nimiq, a podcasting client from the Netherlands.  It was a very nice meetup, one of the best ever. I attribute the success to six factors: 1. Manageable group size, exactly 10 people were there. 2. Private room, easy to hear everyone, even if they were sitting at the other end of the table. 3. During daylight hours, everyone was awake. 4. Buffet style eating, means not too many interruptions from wait staff. 5. Very reasonable price and great food. 6. Great people!!!
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