| Thursday, February 24, 2005 |
AP supports RSS. Welcome! 
It's great to get AP on board. Now the crucial question -- what's their archive policy? How long will the stories they point to from their feeds be on the Web? 
Thanks to Glenn Reynolds for the pointer. Instapundit is a flow machine! 
One of the cool things about being in Florida in March is spring training with the Mets and all the other major league baseball teams. 
New header graphic, the dreaded blue screen of death. 
I got as far as "one-man circle jerk" and stopped reading. I don't think the NY Times would stand for us using that kind of language to describe them, nor should they. Jarvis wants to discuss this, but there's nothing to discuss. It was unprofessional, the kind of stuff your mother busted you for when you were a kid. Retract and apologize and the issue goes away. And all this name-calling by the Times of bloggers is a Bush-like smoke screen that distracts us from important stuff, like why can't they get the facts right?  
Somehow I missed the announcement last week that Microsoft is doing a version 7 of MSIE, proving once again that big technology companies don't really listen to their users (although they claim to), but they do listen to their competitors.  
I had a long phone talk this evening with Doc Searls about the future of podcasting. Of course Doc is an old radio guy and a blogging pioneer, so he has lots of insights. Also, it's worth noting that my two-month road trip is now over. There are a lot of things that were waiting for that to happen. A new diet, more consistent exercise, a new driver's license (the old one expires on my birthday), and maybe a new car. I want to finally get a product release cycle going for my OPML editor, which of course should help the podcast bootstrap. I have three interesting business opportunities that were waiting for me to land somewhere, and the cool thing about them is that I could do them all, they don't conflict. Now, I will of course keep traveling, it's in the blood. I can see a springtime Europe trip, and I'll surely be in Atlanta, NY and Boston again soon, for business, friends and family. Maybe a Wednesday trip to Chapel Hill to see how the blogging bootstrap is going? 
Zawodny: The world could really use Google Calendar. 
I got a nice email from Anton, thanking me for keeping my word that I would help keep the embers hot for the Wednesday night Chapel Hill bloggers meetup. I sent a note back saying I believe in what he's doing, and thanking him for keeping his promise, by hosting the regular weekly meetings. I see what we're doing as plucking a string on a banjo once a week. Enough string plucks and people start dancing and before you know it you can start plucking a different string to help get others dancing, and on and on. People love to form communities, we love to help each other, the human spirit is generous in the extreme. We really like to have fun, and it's more fun to have fun with other people, if you get what I'm saying.  
Hey it's been a long time since I've seen one of these. Knock wood. 
Today's song 
Good morning Campers!
I'm your Uncle Ernie.
And I welcome you to Tommy's Holiday Camp!
The camp with the difference.
Never mind the weather.
When you come to Tommy's.
The holiday's forever!
PS: Put in your ear plugs, put on your eye shades, you know where to put the cork!
Last update: Thursday, February 24, 2005 at 6:52 PM Eastern. | Dave Winer 

