Today is the seventh birthday of XML-RPC.  Four years ago: "Keep your interfaces where we can see them."  The Annotated New York Times tracks "blog postings that cite articles published by The New York Times." Via Steve Rubel.  According to the Boston Globe, Microsoft paid $120 million for Groove.   2WW: I applied to have Scripting News included in Google News, and got the rejection notice earlier today.   I'm living in a new place as of yesterday, an apartment, the first time I've lived in one in a long time. It's on the first floor. Above me is a family with a kid. They seem to be moving furniture all the time. I have a hard time imagining how people could spend so much time moving furniture. Me, I never move furniture, except perhaps when I'm getting up from a desk or a dining table, when I push the chair back. But that's it. Otherwise I accept furniture location as-is. I'm not a control freak about furniture location, as my upstairs neighbors appear to be.   The overnight emails haven't been going out for some time, not sure how long. Just a configuration problem oin the server. I'm going to have to keep my eye on this one. In the meantime, sorry that the people who read Scripting News via email have missed some of the new stuff.   Jeremy Zawodny says he's out of invites for Yahoo 360, but I'm not. Post a comment here and I'll send out invites until I run out.   Soxaholix: "Even in his final barely alive days, JP2 was more animated than the lifeless Red Sox last night."  Gizmodo is hiring an editor. "...a person who knows gadgetry in specific and technology in general like the back of their hand, can write their way out of a paper bag, and is full of excitement about working for an editor who is increasingly fed up with the pointless tail-chasing and money-grubbing hypocrisy of the worldwide technology market."  Don Park: "10 days since I quit smoking."  Paolo Valdemarin: "Podcasting is not for me."  Megnut: "I look for a phone card not to put in the phone but to press the numbers on the phone to use." 
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