Don Park on Google's satellite maps. I'm reminded of the article in the Guardian where they said Yahoo had captured Google's mojo. Heh.   Okay, I'm embarassed to admit that I've never been able to figure out how to create a new user on Windows 2000 or Windows 2003.   Good howto article on podcasting at O'Reilly.  AP: "Hunter S Thompson's ashes will be blasted from a cannon mounted inside a 53-foot-high sculpture of the journalist's 'gonzo fist' emblem."  It's time for a new MP3 player for Uncle Davey.  Really weird, my Yahoo 360 photo was rejected. So I looked up the rules. It can't be more than 3MB, it has to be a JPEG and it can't be porn. Feh. I tried resubmitting and it was accepted.   My endless infomercial bit has gotten a lot of pick-up, the latest being Howard Kurtz's column in the Washington Post. He even included the sarcastic swipe at pro-jos. "Now would be a great opportunity for some of the real reporting the pros are so famous for." Good work.  Engadget reports what everyone who heard the Pew report knows -- they inflated the number of people listening to podcasts.   Congratulations to the University of North Carolina basketball team, the Tarheels, who won the national championship last night. I didn't watch the game, college basketball isn't my thing, but I spent a fun week with the bloggas of the Piedmont in February. Yay Tarheels. Go team!  Tarheel: "A native or resident of North Carolina."  According to the BBC and others Google is starting a video-blogging service, where they store and serve the video (or so it seems) index it, or create transcripts. It's set to launch in the next few days. It would be great if they offered free storage and bandwidth for audio as well.  Yesterday I offered to invite people who requested invites to Yahoo 360 until I ran out. Apparently you don't run out. There is a limit of 100 outstanding invites, but as soon as one accepts an invite you can invite another. My balance hasn't dipped below 50. So now the limiting factor is my ability to do the clerical work to process the requests for invites. I've already processed more than 100.  
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