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A new demo script for Frontier geeks that shows how to manage a huge dataset in an all-Frontier application.  Wow, someone at O'Reilly has the Really Simple religion. Right on.   NY Times: "Mr Bush has had his Apple iPod since July, when he received it from his twin daughters as a birthday gift. He has some 250 songs on it, a paltry number compared to the 10,000 selections it can hold."  Clue: Someone ought to give him a TiVO.  A random observation. Today Google News found three articles that contained my name. Screen shot. One was the BBC article above, and the other two were on blogs. Their rules don't work, blogs get through. They're suckers for certain kinds of site names. It's Yahoo all over again, what a mess, so unweblike, back to gatekeepers. I know Google News is useful, I use it, but something is wrong about it.  Podshows are the future? Heh. Maybe.   Okay, I'm stumped. Every XML parser I throw this file at says it's not well-formed, but I can't see the problem. If you see it, please send me an email. For extra credit, skip the ad hominems. Postscript: Robert Sayre gets the prize, being first to find the problem; it immediately revealed the programming error in my code. Runner-up to Gardner von Holt. These guys either have very good eyes and minds, or very good tools, or both.   Watch this space for an announcement, real soon now. 
If you're shopping for an iPod alternative, the readers of Scripting News have some ideas for you.  Scoble is right, this Tiger Woods ace shot would make a great Nike commercial. I've mirrored the WMV file on my unmetered server. 
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