Don't forget there's a new PDA version of Scripting News.  When accepting an offer to lead a discussion at a BloggerCon-style conference in the Deep South (Greensboro, NC; October 8), I responded, with tongue in cheek: "That's almost like asking the Boy Named Sue if he'd want to be reincarnated as a Boy Named Sue."  Today's song: "I made me a vow to the moon and stars, that I'd search the honky-tonks and bars, and kill that man that give me that awful name."  Tim Jarrett took notes at a recent speech by Google CEO Eric Schmidt.  Scoble: "When I subscribe to an RSS feed that means I want a long-term relationship."  Matt Haughey: "The first thought that came into my head after hearing The New York Times will be adding paid subscription walls to their content was that Dave Winer just totally sealed the win on his bet."  Steve Ballmer: "The hottest company right now -- the one nobody thinks can do any wrong -- may just be a one-hit wonder."  Iran Scan is an English-language blog covering the election in Iran.   Tod Maffin is looking for someone who can write a script to turn an OPML file into HTML. Piece of cake for someone who knows how to write an outline renderer in Frontier (or Radio). Which reminds me, I should do a generic release of Frontier so people can download something for free to run random scripts. The current minimal install is pretty frightening.  Thoughts on special feeds for bloggers, feed hosting services, podcast hosting services.  Picture taken from my desk while skyping with Kosso.  Okay, James Gosling isn't really this ignorant: "We hear very strongly that if this thing turned into an open source project -- where just any old person could check in stuff -- they’d all freak." Okay James, you don't want to open source Java, so just say it. I could respect that. But this is totally wrong, and I can't believe you don't know it. No open source project exists that way. It would be chaos. How do you think Apache and Linux work? There's a priesthood and a cathedral, just like any commercial project, just like Java. What's different is that it could fork, so if the priesthood isn't productive a new priesthood can form. Often this is enough to keep the main thread moving along.   I'm playing around today with a directory of podcasting directories. Nothing earth-shaking, just a couple of experiments.   It's official. Scripting News is now part of Blogger. (Just kidding. Hehe.)  Yesterday I took a Larry Lessig speech with me on my daily walk, but a funny thing happened when he played a very short track from the gray album, which is a mix of the black album which is a mix of the Beatles' white album -- I stopped and switched to listening to the white album which I also had on my Archos. Many thanks to Larry for making the suggestion. And a reminder that it wasn't that long ago that you couldn't take your entire music collection with you where ever you go. Someday I'm going to meet someone who won't understand how we could live that way, but we did, didn't we?  Doc Searls: "The Marriott Marquis has a central cylinder of new elevators that rise and fall like bubbles on the surface of a reactor core."  Cory Doctorow found a picture of a trailer suspended on a tower that looks like it was separated at birth from the windmill on my uncle's hippie commune here in Florida.  Wired: "Traditionally, bands toured cities and played dive bars to create buzz about their music. But with MySpace, bands can host demos of their songs, announce shows and connect with fans without spending weeks on the road."  The Podcast Outlaws Network is "a central place to find some of the brightest, funniest and most underrated Podcasts on the internet!"  Jupiter Research is now podcasting. You may have trouble getting to the site, but if you persist you will eventually get through. 
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