Today's Morning Coffee Notes podcast is about my outliner, Windows, why flames aren't really such a problem, word processing, editing in the browser, how to do format and protocol work.  3/4/01: "Text on rails."  My mother is a Natural Born Blogger, in a league with Scoble and Doc Searls. On her blog today she says: "In the final analysis I'm talking to myself." Exactly right. It's good to know who one's audience is.   News.Com: "Is Google following its rivals too closely?"  I heard about Indigo today. Some at Microsoft think this is what Ballmer was referring to in the comments that came public yesterday.   NY Times: "Can the kinder, gentler, tempered-by-the-trial Microsoft do to Google what it did to Netscape lo these many years ago?"  According to O'Reilly, Google moved the announce date for their portal up from June 30 and promised "universal RSS support will follow."  Rick Segal, a former Microsofter, says that Scoble and I over-reacted to the Ballmer quotes yesterday.   I'm getting some beautiful responses to yesterday's thunderstorm podcast, and have asked for permission to run some of them. And Ryan Tate has a lengthy very interesting response to Thursday's beach podcast, where I recount asking Kleiner partner Randy Komisar to sponsor intellectually enriching podcasts about what's going on in Silicon Valley. Ryan says that in its early days Red Herring magazine did just that. Tate is a former reporter at Upside.  
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