MSN Spaces has an innovative feature for creating and displaying lists. Seems like a perfect application for OPML.   Aha. I've been looking for the list of Gnomedex participants, it turns out it's only available in OPML. That's okay because I have a server app that does a nice job of displaying OPML. Bing!  New Statesman columnist on podcasting. "Winer will get up mid-sentence to walk across the room and pour himself a coffee. That's 30 seconds of your life that you'll never get back." If your brain is dead.  St Cadenhead: "I will try to acquire benedictxvi.xxx to keep it out of the hands of pornographers."  Next week is Apple's WWDC. Any rumors??  Going to Cambridge this weekend reminded me how much I thrive on the bustle of a big city. But getting back to the beach is nice too, the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves. The funny thing about the city is that you can't imagine living in t-shirts and shorts, but as soon as you're back at the beach you can't imagine wearing long pants and a jacket. I brought my flip-flops with me to Boston, but could have left them home. There was never an opportunity for such informality. So where is the perfect place to live? I think I would like a teaching job somewhere, where I could work part-time as an entrepreneur in residence, at a VC firm, perhaps. Not too far from a beach, to keep sane, and out of traffic, that was probably what I disliked the most about the Bay Area. Maybe Berkeley, though, with BART to get into SF. I need a place to go to work, several times a week, where there are smart people doing interesting stuff. That's a requirement that's not being met here in the beachtown. Anyway just some thoughts that occur when transitioning from one mode to another.   The nice thing about traveling is everywhere I go people want me to stay there. I guess I'm mellowing in my old age. Zephyr Teachout, who I've only met twice, but who I've come to like very much, sang me a folk song in her car as she drove me back to the studio after the group dinner celebrating the first Open Source show. She wasn't really singing at first, but then I said wait a minute, that's a song, so we sang together. Yes, quality counts, but if it comes at the cost of a lawyer and a programmer not singing when the moment strikes, well who wants to live like that?  Here's the official MP3 from WGBH of the inaugural airing of the Open Source radio program, hosted by Chris Lydon, with guests David Weinberger, Doc Searls and myself.   Yatta yatta yatta!! But there's more to the story.  Congrats to Feedster on raising their first round of VC.   Calvin: "Simple affection from a yummy smelling woman is magic stuff."  A bunch of new stuff is happening at Gnomedex that hasn't been announced yet. I can't say more, but if you can be in Seattle, June 23-25, you'd probably want to be there. No guarantees of course.   Rex Hammock: "Here are a few examples of the kind of podcasts I'd actually pay for." 
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