Brief podcast commenting on the News.com story, below.   News.com: "Apple Computer plans to announce Monday that it's scrapping its partnership with IBM and switching its computers to Intel's microprocessors."  A place to comment on this story.   Google Sitemaps appears to be a feature I've been asking search engines to implement since 1997. Basically it lets you give the search engine a complete list of all files on your site and when they've last changed. That way the search engine doesn't have to re-read your whole site every day. This is especially useful for archives of weblogs. I'll support it on Scripting News as soon as I possibly can.   Here's an example of the site-changes format I was using in 1997.  In 1914, Fred van Eps played Dixie on his banjo and it was recorded on an Edison Diamond Disc. Now, thanks to the miracle of the Internet, you can hear it too. It's foot-tapping good music, come one and all, yee-haw!!  Gizmodo says Rah to Archos thanks to the SDK. Yah!  Just in time for the WWDC, a picture of some of the leading Mac software developers, in 1989.  Richard MacManus says there are "RSS Ripoff Merchants."  Vic Gundotra explains why he is excited about Longhorn. 
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