Driving pics: US-17 on July 4 in North Carolina.  A coffee notes from the road, outside Richmond, VA. About the sorry state of Internet access for the traveler in 2005.  And what kind of roadtrip would it be without movies?  Netcraft reports a vulnerability in PHP implementations of XML-RPC that can allow arbitrary code to execute on the server.   In the last few days, while I was driving from Florida to DC, the Mac blogging world decided I was angry with Apple and threw a massive hissy fit about it. Sigh. I'm not angry with Apple, I think they could have done better (and maybe they will), but sheez, so could I, and so could you.   I didn't see this obnoxious ad in InfoWorld's feed because I unsubbed before the ads got this big. I could see where they were doing, and I totally didn't want to go there with them.  I'm starting to use the category router for Scripting News. You can the result by looking at the RSS source (look for category elements). You can see my taxonomy, in an OPML file, of course. This is a built-in feature of the OPML Editor, currently in testing.  Richard MacManus: "Technorati is on a roll."  BetterBadNews: "A gun is a bullet-sharing program."  In Virginia they don't have smoking sections in the restaurants. People smoke everywhere. Ashtrays on every table. Reeks of smoke.  New header graphic. 
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