The OPML Roadshow comes to California on Aug 20 at the Hillside Club in Berkeley. This is the largest venue so far, it can hold over 200 people.   Tomorrow's a travel day, Cambridge to Burlington.  Apple improves their namespace docs. The old ones are gone.  Ed Cone: "From 24 Google hits to mass market in about the time it takes to have a baby."  Frank Barnako: "Podcasters, your 15 minutes of fame is up."  Just in time for Doc Searls's first podcast.   Mary Hodder: "People are really saying some very, very strange things."  We'll be dressing for the opening festivities at FU-Camp 2005.   Glad to see Jeff Jarvis pick up my soundbite from yesterday. "They take longer to get it wronger."  The article I wrote about yesterday is out, it's in the Washington Post, and while the author doesn't credit Apple with inventing podcasting (good good) she does repeat a theme we've been hearing more and more -- that mainstream media is over-taking the founders of the medium. A premature conclusion. Apple certainly is tilting the table in their favor, but what if, for the sake of argument, MSN, which has even more flow than iTunes, were to go the other way? Or Yahoo? Or CNN? The fact that Apple is moving so deliberately in one direction suggests that a competitor may take advantage of that, or realizing that they're leaving a lot of turf uncovered, Apple may, in Month 2 or Month 3, tilt in the other direction. If you study the history of technology, you'll see this is how it often goes. The press tends to see things in terms of corporate size, and very short term effects, but the market moves according to its own logic, at its own pace, if it didn't there never would be new products, like podcasting, for example.   Mike K: "This is the second time that HackingNetflix has been dropped from Google, and I am going crazy trying to figure out why."  Wow, there's a Chinese BloggerCon in Shanghai, Nov 5-6. 
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