Russell Beattie gets aggregators. "You should only see an RSS item once." Bingo. Every would-be aggregator designer should tatoo that on their forehead in reverse so they see it in the mirror when they're brushing their teeth or shaving or whatever. Memorize it. If your user sees an RSS item more than once, your aggregator is broken.   Now, the problem is, that while Yahoo's interface is pretty good, and lots better than most of the rest, it still shows you old items before new ones. Any of the competitors could leapfrog Yahoo. Want to give it a try? I can be hired as a consultant. Seriously. Let's get going on this.  News.Com: Amazon files for Web services patent.  Jeffrey McManus, in 2004: "The only hard questions asked by the audience were directed at Jeff, typified by a clueless and off-topic bomb tossed by Dave Winer, who tried to take poor Jeff to task for the fact that Amazon is a 'patent abuser.'" I guess I wasn't so clueless after all; "poor Jeff" is one of two authors of the Amazon patent.   Rogers: "My cynical suspicion is that Bush wants abortion to be safe, legal, and rage-inducing for the GOP base."  Using the OPML Editor to manage RSS subscription lists.  An important note about this feature. It works out of the box with NetNewsWire and Radio UserLand, and probably quite a few others (which ones?). I had to adapt the code to get it to work with Bloglines and RSS Bandit. I was able to do this because the formats they used are close enough to Radio's import/export format, and because users supplied me with examples of files. See "how to proceed" on that page for an idea of how the community can work on this. And I'm only willing to bend so far to accomodate creativity, because that's a form of lock-in. On the other hand, the OPML Editor basically undoes that lock-in.   Here's a complete list of all OPML Editor docs available as of today.  Jon Udell's review of the OPML Editor.  Five years ago this would have been really big news. Maybe it still is?  Tried subscribing to Scripting News; it said it couldn't find it. Oh well.   Phil Ringnalda: "Now that is some serious support for autodiscovery."  News.Com: "My AOL is designed to give people the ability to customize the AOL portal based on specific needs and interests, including the addition of news feeds via Really Simple Syndication, or RSS, the company said."  Rebecca Mac is the user from hell. Coool!  Now that I can see her posts I have a bit of advice.   OPML Fan is Lisa Williams' OPML Weblog.  http://changes.opml.org/  
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