Editorial: "Today's New Orleans may be the first virtual city."  My Internet coverage will suck for the next X days. Looking forward to getting it all together sometime soon. I'll let you know when it happens.   Postscript: I was able to connect through one of my neighbors' wifi. Berkeley is wonderful. Hehehe.   Interesting BBC editorial asks if Katrina has saved US media.   Jeff Jarvis: Recovery 2.0: A call to convene.  Rex Hammock: "Political persuasions, like the earth, can be round."  Scoble reviews my car's navigation system. (The toll-road avoidance feature is an option that can be turned off, but it defaults on, which is probably wrong. It was wrong for me, since my first trip was from St Augustine to the Orlando Airport, which involves a toll road, if you go the most direct way.)  A podcast duet with my navigation system, 6/11/05.  This is really puzzling. Yesterday the Charlotte Observer OPML file worked with my software, but today it's broken. If anyone from the Observer has a clue, I'd love to hear what happened. Thanks!  Scott Rosenberg: "No one knows how many thousands are dead. A minimum of hundreds of thousands are homeless. And Bush and his men are passing the buck. It doesn't get much lower than this."  This document "defines the People Finder Interchange Format, which encompasses both a data model and an XML-based exchange format for sharing data about people who are missing or displaced by natural or human-made disasters."  Boston Globe: "What's special about podcasting, though, is how it makes it simple for individuals or companies to express themselves and, if what they have to say is interesting, enlightening, or clever, to earn attention. You can point someone to a worthy podcast through a link on your blog, or an e-mail to a friend, in a way you could never point them to a snippet of radio. That's powerful."  Patrick and I sing a few verses of Plastic Jesus, and we leave a voicemail for Dawn & Drew. 
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