Tony Perkins: "There was a television show in the 1960's called F-Troop about an incompetent band of post-Civil War troops stationed at Fort Courage, somewhere west of the Missouri. Having been forced to deal with FEMA and other government bureaus these last few days, I am reminded of this sitcom, except this is no comedy."  Pfizer is offering free drugs to Katerina survivors.   Brent Simmons reviews user interface trends on the Mac.  Scoble interviews Microsoft founder Bill Gates. If I were him I'd ask if he reads Scobleizer. And of course I'd like to know if he reads Scripting News. And it would be cool if he asked him some hard questions, like this: If you had a choice would you be running Microsoft of 1976 or Microsoft of 2005? What advantages do Google and Yahoo have over Microsoft? Does the largeness of Microsoft ever get you down? Now, of course it's hard to interview a guy of Gates's stature, especially when he signs the paycheck of your boss's boss's boss's boss's boss's boss's boss.   Jeff Veen wants to know who will build Web 2.0.   Berkeley is home to political wireless networks.   Vint Cerf joins Google. "See you on the ‘Net!"  Maybe Vint will convince Eric, Sergey and Larry to talk with News.com.   It's cool that there are so many movie theaters in Berkeley.   Ask a fish to describe water. It can't because it doesn't know that water exists. But try changing the water, its temperature, or add a pollutant, and all of a sudden the fish gets it.   On this day four years ago we had no idea what was in store for us three days hence. 
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