Where are the mainstream news podcasts?  Tariq Sharif: "I want to tell you about the Phishing Filter in IE7."  Rogers: Technorati's F'ing Ping Thing.  Some guy who lost his home in Katrina told Dick Cheney to go fuck himself. Cheney thought he was talking about someone named John.  A blog from a Katrina survivior in the Houston Astrodome.   Bob Doyle: The First Podcast.  Time: How Reliable Is Brown's Resume?  Four years ago: "Ballmer isn't on the first page of Steves." Still true.  Rogers Cadenhead: "The Louisiana Superdome is less than two miles from a bridge that leads over the Mississippi River out of the city."  Another piece of data has now come to light. Parts of metro New Orleans were hit by the storm surge. Water levels in most of the area rose more gradually, but in St Bernard Parish, the water rose eight feet in one hour. Had the whole of New Orleans been hit the way Chalmette was, many more people would have died, hard as that may be to believe.   Stephen Baker asks if Technorati is making deals to get ping data first.   Science: "There are times when scientists would prefer to be wrong." 
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