Rita is now a Category 4 hurricane, headed toward Texas or Louisiana.   Om Malik says that Google's wifi service can be found in London. Is this how their rollout works, a global Easter Egg hunt?  Michael Watkins: "In crises ranging from the lax oversight of public companies that led to Enron, the systemic weaknesses in airline security and intelligence gathering that presaged 9/11, the dismal post-war planning in Iraq, and now the catastrophic damage wrought by Katrina on the Gulf Coast, our leaders have failed to mobilize to avoid well-recognized potential disasters."  Don McAllister: "A collaboration tool with no RSS in this day and age -- come on Apple, you’ve dropped the ball on this one!"  NY Times: "Three authors are contending that Google's program to create searchable digital copies of the contents of university libraries constitutes 'massive copyright infringement.'"  Mini-Microsoft: "Microsoft certainly needed a reorg -- something like a good, vigorous shaking of one of those snow-globes." 
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