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Scripting News, the weblog started in 1997 that bootstrapped the blogging revolution.
Permanent link to archive for Sunday, October 09, 2005. Sunday, October 09, 2005

Rex Hammock can't figure out how to use Google's RSS reader.  Permanent link to this item in the archive.

Don Park is giving up on blog search engines. Permanent link to this item in the archive.

Stay tuned for a major site launch tonight at midnight Eastern time. I'll have a link here if I'm still up, otherwise tune in tomorrow morning.  Permanent link to this item in the archive.

Saw Serenity this afternoon. Big thumb down. I'm tired of Star Wars remakes. Bore-ring. How about something new in sci-fi. (Wish I had gone to Wallace & Gromit.) Permanent link to this item in the archive.

Now that Jason Calacanis blogs from inside a big media company, does that mean we'll get visibility into how that company works? The same kind of transparency that we get through Mini Microsoft, for example, would be refreshing. This is one dusty corner of our civilization, we never get a good look at the inner workings of the media industry, because their reporters rarely if ever go there.  Permanent link to this item in the archive.

A picture named miers.jpgJust listened to Meet The Press as I toured downtown Greensboro on foot. A few observations. Greensboro has a FW Woolworth lunch counter where they say the civil rights movement was born. Their drivers don't honor pedestrian right-of-way. Bush nominated Miers for the Supreme Court for a few reasons that actually make sense. First, if he had nominated a candidate that the conservatives would have fought for, he would have put Republican senators in a real bind, if they come from states where the majority of voters are pro-choice. The problem for the conservatives is that that's 80 percent of the electorate, and probably almost all the states except Wyoming and Alaska. It would have been suicide for him or for the senators, and it was his choice, because there was no way a pro-choice or pro-life nominee was going to make it through the process. So he chose suicide for no one. Seems reasonable. The second reason he did it (and there's no doubt that Miers is pro-choice, that's why the conservatives are so pissed) is that he's pro-choice too, but can't say it for fear of destroying the illusion that the Republicans are actually so radical.  Permanent link to this item in the archive.

An indication of how podcasting has changed conference-going for me. I had a choice between three sessions yesterday morning, and decided to go to a discussion led by Jimmy Wales about Wikipedia. As he started, it became clear that he wasn't actually going to lead a discussion, he was giving a talk, with slides. He said he would be informal and let us ask questions during the talk instead of at the end. I listened for five minutes, and all the while it seemed as if I was listening to a podcast. If my only job is to listen, I don't need to actually be there. Instead I went to a session led by Tiffany Brown about blogging from the outside. It was a raucous, interesting, multi-racial and multi-gender discussion about the usual thing, how we can all get heard more. There were even a few people nearing retirement age. It got intense at times, but at the end we were all friends, I think.  Permanent link to this item in the archive.

I've been doing most of my travel by car lately, which is much slower, but has the advantage of steady time zone changes. It's 5AM for me, but 8AM for everyone else here in Nawth Cahlina. Anyway, I'm having a podcast reunion breakfast with the Evil Genius himself, Dave Slusher, and then on to Chapel Hill for more Cacalacky style schmoozin! Permanent link to this item in the archive.


Last update: Sunday, October 09, 2005 at 9:06 PM Eastern.

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