| Saturday, September 16, 2006 |
Where we're at with mobile-friendly news. Matt Mullenweg and James Snell have made two different recommendations for linking a mobile-friendly rendering of stories into an RSS item. Imho either approach is workable. No spec text yet. The next question is what is a mobile-friendly rendering? 
And they say all the good domain names are taken. 
Tom Morris says that the innovative magnetic power adaptor for his new MacBook is already falling apart. I didn't want to say anything, but I noticed that it is pretty fragile, and suspected it wouldn't hold up well over time. I'm beginning to get the picture about Apple hardware, they make an import, like a Ferrari or a Lamborghini, they spend a lot of time in the shop, but they're fun to drive. Me, I've always gone for Toyotas or Datsuns, they also are fun to drive, not necessarily very fast (but I don't like fast) and they require almost no maintenence, which is good for me, because I'm really baaaad at maintenence. 
Gotta love President Bush. He says the Geneva Convention is too vague. He says a lot of Americans are confused, because it's complicated. It's not actually that complicated. We take care of the other country's soldiers, our enemy, because we want them to take care of our soldiers. That's why two Republican soldiers, McCain and Powell say Bush is wrong, and the US must continue to support the Geneva Convention. To do otherwise would be grossly unkind to our own soldiers. So many Republicans are coming out against this, you gotta wonder if this isn't some kind of trap for Democrats, who are saying nothing. Didn't Bush check with the Senate before going on this campaign? Is he running against his own party now? Hard to believe. 
Next Apple question. I've got a cool little Airport Express at the new house. Scoble is coming over today, and I'm sure he's going to want to use the wifi, but he uses a ThinkPad, and I have a WEP password. I know how to enter the password on my Mac, I just type the damned thing in and it takes care of the rest. But it's not so simple on Windows. Suppose my password is ohyomama or something like that, what does Scoble have to type into his ThinkPad to get on my network? I used to know this, but I always forget. 
To Daring Fireball, maybe he does but he ain't here yet. 
The last house was called The Internet Hut (among other names). The new house doesn't have a name yet. It's tall, so maybe The Internet Tower? Hmmm. Not sure yet. 
A book I'd like to read -- Deadwood, the Rest of the Story. Assume the character development of the HBO series. Take the screenplay for the season they didn't produce and add some narrative. It'd be a best-seller. 
Last update: Saturday, September 16, 2006 at 7:04 PM Pacific. |
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Dave Winer 
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