| Thursday, October 19, 2006 |
The outlook wasn't brilliant for the Mudville nine that day... 
In Game 7 of the NLCS, the Mets jump to a 1st inning lead on a daring 2-out double by Beltran, a walk to Delgado and a cheap (but effective) blooper to right by Wright. 1-0 Mets up. Think good thoughts. In the 2nd, the Cards scored, tying the game at 1-1. Both teams are very impressive tonight. So far one of the best played games of the 2006 post-season. Endy Chavez is going into the history books if the Mets win. What an awesome catch. Oh man. Update: Still tied as we go into the 9th. And it's raining. The forecast tomorrow in NY is more rain, and the World Series starts in Detroit on Saturday. Mets fans do not look happy just now. And then a 2 run home run by St Louis to take the lead 3-1. Not good. Final: Nope it was not good. Luckily there's still next year. Congrats to the Cardinals. Sad day in NY. Here too. :-( 
Ray Slakinski has a randomly shutting down MacBook. 
ABC News has a bunch of new podcasts, including This Week with George Stephanopoulos. 
Dan Conover, a reporter who works in Charleston, SC, who I met when I visited Spartanburg, last year, writes a terrific (open) recommendation letter for me as a prospective CTO at a news organization. He says that hiring me would be like hiring Van Gogh to be a graphic designer. Paul Andrews, formerly of the Seattle Times, said something similar when I floated the idea by him. My answer is you have to start somewhere. And I'm not that bad an organization guy, when I was at Harvard, I surely stirred things up a bit, but that worked because Harvard is the kind of organization where things are supposed to be stirred up a bit. That's the whole point of a university. Same with a newspaper, or with any newspaper I would consider working for. And while it's pretty rare, I actually believe in the Mr Smith Goes To Washington stuff. We are the change we seek. This week the Congress and the President threw out one of our most fundamental human rights. These are not normal times we live in, folks. Also Dan is right, I'm not doing this for the money (although I do want a regular paycheck and health insurance). I'm doing it because it's the next thing to do. I worked as a pro myself for a short period, then went amateur. I've spent the last xxx years urging the pros to adopt our ways. Now it's time to jump back over the fence and look at the world from inside a news organization that wants to make the transition, assuming there are any. 
Liz Gannes, who writes for GigaOm, has a defective MacBook, like so many others. Yesterday I mistakenly reported that the MacBook belonged to Om Malik. 
Drew Domkus, of Dawn & Drew fame, also has a MacBook that randomly shuts down. 
Last update: Thursday, October 19, 2006 at 8:52 PM Pacific. |
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Dave Winer 
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