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I've made a lot of progress in the last 24 hours on the packaging of FlickrRivr.
I've got the configuration part working now, before I had the aggregator working and it's been running on my home entertainment center for over a year. People find it fascinating. Me too. Now I've hit some stumbling blocks, no deal-stoppers, but I thought maybe I could open this up so that people who read the site can help search for what I'm hoping to find. Yahoo has lots of RSS feeds, and they even have feeds with news photos. Very cool, except the photos are low resolution, too low to be good for this application. Seems a shame, because in between pictures of Irina and Valerie, Scoble and Justin, and everyone's cats and grandparents, it would also be great to mix in pictures of Gonzalez and Imus, Sharpton and McCain. A bit of Edwards and Clinton wouldn't hurt. Obama and Blitzer. Cheney. Ahmadinajad. The Dear Leader. The Great Wall of China. Tony Soprano. And the feeds don't have to be from Yahoo. If you know of other sources of news photos in RSS, I can use more examples, more stuff to preconfigure FlickrRivr. If bandwidth is an issue, I don't mind mirroring the feeds and photos on my server. I don't think there will be so many users as to make bandwidth a serious issue. Anyway, if you have any ideas, please let me know. PS: I know this is realllly low-tech. All of the good stuff is. But I'd be willing to bet this is as big as blogging or podcasting. A major application for our networks. It's that compelling. PPS: The guy on the left in the cowboy hat is my maternal grandfather, Rudy Kiesler. Here's the full picture.
I was able to create the chatroom over on Ustream. Come join the conversation everybody! Imus is off the air, Gonzales is still the Attorney General. Imus is an entertainer, Gonzales is the top law enforcement officer in the US. Did Gonzales fire the US Attorneys, or was he ignorant as he says he was? And what do you think, were they fired because they were getting too close to Republicans? President Bush said there's "no credible evidence of wrongdoing." So what's he actually saying? Gonzales may have been doing wrong, and there may even be evidence of it, but the President doesn't think it's credible. Wow, that's the standard of integrity we want for our highest law enforcement official. (Sorry for the sarcasm.) And what about the millions of missing emails? Bug or feature? Doc Searls wants to bring local public radio to Santa Barbara. With his background in radio, Berkman connections, and sheer enthusiasm, I bet he pulls it off. |
Dave Winer, 51, pioneered the development of weblogs, syndication (RSS), podcasting, outlining, and web content management software; former contributing editor at Wired Magazine, research fellow at Harvard Law School, entrepreneur, and investor in web media companies. A native New Yorker, he received a Master's in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin, a Bachelor's in Mathematics from Tulane University and currently lives in Berkeley, California. "The protoblogger." - NY Times.
"The father of modern-day content distribution." - PC World.
"Helped popularize blogging, podcasting and RSS." - Time.
"RSS was born in 1997 out of the confluence of Dave Winer's 'Really Simple Syndication' technology, used to push out blog updates, and Netscape's 'Rich Site Summary', which allowed users to create custom Netscape home pages with regularly updated data flows." - Tim O'Reilly.
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