Tuesday, August 21, 2012; 9:17:26 PM Eastern
Chrome RSS breakage, part II
- There's a huge thread on the post about the way Chrome has changed its behavior with RSS feeds.
- A recent comment by Navarr Barnier says that Chome only triggers the new behavior for files with type application/rss+xml, and not for files with type text/xml.
- He's got a point. Here's a file I uploaded to S3 with type text/xml. It didn't bring up the crazy dialog that tries to send me to the Chrome store. I got a stylization of an RSS feed. Not exactly what I'd like which is the feed looking like XML.
s3.newobject ("/static.scripting.com/misc/chrometest1.xml", tcp.httpreadurl ("http://scripting.com/rss.xml", 5), type:"text/xml")
- "http://s3.amazonaws.com/static.scripting.com/misc/chrometest1.xml"
- Here's the same file uploaded with type application/rss+xml. And sure enough it brings up the dialog.
s3.newobject ("/static.scripting.com/misc/chrometest2.xml", tcp.httpreadurl ("http://scripting.com/rss.xml", 5), type:"application/rss+xml")
- "http://s3.amazonaws.com/static.scripting.com/misc/chrometest2.xml"
- The moral of the story is if you can set it up so you serve your feeds with type text/xml, you can circumvent the breakage in Chrome. The question is, should we do this. I'm not convinced it isn't asking for more breakage from them.