Friday, May 3, 2013; 4:40:18 PM Eastern
Fargo and Markdown
A quick note about a new development with our Fargo outliner.
- Fargo now has a Markdown processor baked-in. This means that a user can write a Markdown-formatted outline, and generate HTML from it, with a single command in the File menu.
- We're using the open source Pagedown library.
- Markdown and text go together, by design. Outliners are text editors, a special kind that understand structure. There is a structure to Markdown, as there is structure to HTML, but so far as we know, none of the Markdown editors have been outliners.
- How the connection with outlines and Markdown will proceed is an unknown. By baking in Markdown we're asking a simple question. How does this work? We hope to hear from users and other smart people who have ideas.
- This feature is available in Fargo 0.55, which is now released on the site.
- Let's have fun! :-)