Monday, May 20, 2013; 12:16:09 PM Eastern
I tried Google Glass
I went to dinner last night with the two Scobles, Robert and Patrick.
- Robert is famous for the picture of him wearing a Google Glass while in the shower.
- Last night, he was wearing the glasses most of the dinner, but took them off. He said I should try them. I did.
- What you get is a sequence of cards, with recent tweets, emails, Google Now type stuff. You scroll through them by swiping on the stem of the glasses. It doesn't take any time to get the hang of it.
- You can create tweets with voice. It happened so quickly I barely knew I had done it. I created a tweet on Scoble's account. It contained an expletive which they conveniently ***'ed out for me.
- It was nice. However I don't feel any lust for having one of my own. I carry an Android phone and an iPad with me most places. The UI of Google Glass, while interesting, doesn't seem to be an improvement over the phone interface.
- But it's early days. Maybe someone will figure this out. The Apple II wasn't much use before Visicalc, for example. The Mac came with a couple of demo apps, but didn't blossom until there were 20 or 30 useful pieces of software for it (it needed more of an ecosystem than an individual killer app).