UI tweaks in FargoLand

My goal is to try to make the newbie site more functional without breaking any site that has already been built. I'm going to log the changes I make here.

1. The text at the top of your blogHome pages.

There's a new macro called <%blogHomeTitle%> which appears at the top of every blogHome page. If you haven't specified a value for this as an attribute or a # directive, we set it as follows.

If the OPML file has a long title, which you can set using the Set titles command in the File menu, we use that, if it's not empty.

Otherwise we use the text attribute, which can be set via a # directive at the top level (I assume most people using blogHome types have already done this).

Otherwise we set it to the empty string, and there is no text at the top of the page.

And a new macro called <%blogHomeDescription%> which appears just below the title, in italic. It's set to the description set in the Set titles command, if it's present, otherwise the empty string. You can see a demo of it on the home page of the newbie site.

2. The default type changed from index to blogHome.

We want to streamline things for people using Fargo to blog.

If this caused a problem for your site, add this directive at the top level:

#type "index"

That restores the default type for the top level to index.

3. Hidable comments

I want comments in the default website, so when I see a user asking questions about how Fargo works, I can easily answer them. However, I don't like that the comments often take up twice as much space as the user's post, even if there are no comments. Most of it is advertising. I don't begrudge them their advertising, but only if the feature is being used, by the reader.

So, by default the comments are now hidable. There's a link with a wedge, in the footer text, that says Show comments. If you click it, the comments are shown and the text changes to Hide comments.

You can turn the feature off, as you would expect, with a directive:

#flCommentsHidable "false"

With the feature off, comments are handled as they were prior to this change.

4. Now, if a website doesn't specify a menu, it gets a default menu.

For example, here's a blog post on newbie's site.

The Archive menu is built automatically by the server (it has a type attribute of archive). One month for every month there are blog posts. From there you can view a blogHome rendering of the month. In this special case there is no limit on the number of items, so you get every post for the month.

This is a menu that we can edit at Small Picture, so if you have any suggestions for what a newbie might want here, please chime in.

5. Updated the default outline template.

6. There's now a default bootstrap theme, readable.

You can change the default by choosing one of the themes from the bootswatch site, and adding this directive at the top level of your site.

#bootstrapTheme "readable"


This is a prototype post for viewing the changes.

Mike puts his finger on the proposition.

Posted: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 16:06:59 GMT