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CBS coverage of JFK assassination

 11/24/2013; 12:18:58 PM.

My iPad stopped working with Twitter and Facebook

1. Last night, on my fully updated iPad Air, Facebook said my login had expired and said I needed to re-enter my password. It took me to the Settings app, to the place where you enter your Facebook password. I entered it. It said it couldn't communicate with the server. I tried again. Same answer. No matter how I try, I can't access Facebook on the iPad. I use the Facebook app.

2. Same thing happened with Twitter this morning, except there I use the website, not the app. It asked for the password, I entered it. It said it couldn't communicate with the server, I tried again, same result.

I'm guessing since it's now happening with both Facebook and Twitter, that it's likely a problem with the iPad. Wondering if anyone else has seen this, and has a clue how to cure it. Thanks in advance.

 11/24/2013; 8:23:23 AM.

It's even worse than it appears. © 1997-2013 Scripting News, Inc.