Scripting News: Internet justice.#
Scripting News: Every programmer should have an open source project.#
Scripting News: What would an open Secret look like?#
Fargo blog: Updated outline template.#
Animated visualization of all the flights over Europe in a single day.#
1998: Yo Quiero Scripting News?#
LA Times: Google Glass attack victim accused of recording neighbors.#
AnonyWatch: Tracking Nameless Quotations in The Times.#
Guardian: If libraries can't make it here in New York, can they make it anywhere?#
Wired: A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet.#
The Knicks are live-streaming today's press conference. #
Today's background image is the 1973 NY Knicks. #
This group proposes to make a historical social network of people in Wikipedia. I really like the idea. Find out which historical figures were contemporaries, and knew each other#
Very creative.#
Isolation player. Carmelo is in the future plans. He still has another level he can go to. #
5-year contract. He has a prenuptual agreement. #
Yes willingly and gratefully.#
Heheh. I'll leave the not-speaking up to Steve (Mills).#
One step at a time. We're going to push the team into the playoffs this year, and make decisions going forward from there.#
NY is not the easiest place to live. (And-how.)#
Players need to feel supported.#
Triangle offense. He believes in system basketball.#
He says the things Walt Frazier says all the time.#
He's going to hire a new coach in the summer (he doesn't say that but it's obvious).#
We're going to have an open relationship and a good one. (To reporters.)#
Supporting Woodson for remainder of this season.#
This is the best place to play basketball.#
Steve Mills is staying? Doesn't seem too likely. #
Phil will be responsible for all basketball questions.#
Mutual friend that invited Jackson and Dolan to a party.#
They met at Azar's house.#
Not sure if this is correct spelling.#