Good morning sports fans!#

Let's try something fun!!#

Spring Blizzard Threatens to Swipe Eastern New England.#

Pando: Visitor logs show full extent of Pierre and Pamela Omidyar’s cozy White House ties.#

Today's background is a Google map of Fargo, ND.#

The Guardian and NY Times both have stories that make Secret sound insidious. Their sources find it threatening. You'd think reporters would welcome an environment where people can exchange information without fear of retribution by exactly the people who say they don't like it. #

Screen shot of today's Scripting News.#

Fortune 500 companies receive $63 billion in subsidies.#

One of the reasons to learn how to program, imho, is to see first-hand how outrageously fast the Internet is beneath all the michegas.#

A Packet’s Tale. How Does the Internet Work?#

A product like Secret should go public right now.#

Offer stock, at a good price, to people who are active users of the site.#

Use algorithms to find the behavior you want to enhance. Give users equity. Not fake equity, not feel-good equity -- the same stock you give key engineers.#

Because you need us, and we know it. I'm doing a lot to help you get off the ground, and I've been down this road many times, and we know how this goes. If you're successful the users get your gratitude and if you fail, we lose our data (not that that means a whole lot in this case).#

How about another outcome. We get rich because we bet on you early-on and won.#

I don't know why but I've always loved maps. As a kid I would stare at them for hours. Practice drawing them. I liked the idea of maps, and that they represented places I could think about and maybe visit one day. Maybe the visiting wasn't even the big deal. I wanted to know about them.#

So for me, being able to put a map behind a day's worth of blogging is as interesting as putting an image. A way to focus attention on a place, a logical view of that place, without the reality of trees, cars, people, waterways, buildings, armies, etc. Just graphs in a graphic view.#

What's cool about this is that it's not a hack. The fact that it's a map is just an attribute on the outline heading for the day. I can also specify the latitude and longitude, what style map it is and the level of zooming. #

Here's a screen shot of the attributes dialog for the map behind today's posts. The center is in the heart of Fargo, North Dakota. What does it mean? Not much other than it's a really cool place to name a product after. #

The feature is not yet released. I just started work on it this morning.#


If things go according to plan, I should be able to put a Google map behind a day's posts on this blog. #

There's something beautifully nerdy behind this seemingly simple feature. A connection between two worlds that weren't before connected. #

(And one of them is not Google Maps, but that's pretty amazing as well.)#


First part is to have the attributes from the day node in the outline be transferred to the <div> representing the day in the rendered HTML. #

Not going to include the mundane atts that every headline has: created, name, text.#

Will include all others, like:#

flMapBackground -- if present and true, the background of the day's rendering is a map.#

We look for the following optional atts, which all have defaults:#

#mapLatitude "40.774295"#

#mapLongitude "-73.970833"#

#mapType "roadmap"#

#mapZoom "14"#

These are the same defaults as used by the medium template#

© 1994-2014 Dave Winer.
Last update: Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 5:42 PM.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.