It's even worse than it appears..
Tuesday May 14, 2024; 8:59 AM EDT
  • Jalen Brunson, Knicks star, after having his ass kicked in Sunday's game. #
  • In this picture he either looks dangerous or defeated, or both. I wouldn't want to have to play against him tonight. #
  • Here's my two cents. If Brunson has heavy legs tonight, as he clearly did in the last two games, he should be used as a decoy, to draw a double team, to free up one of the Knicks' assassins. Or maybe he'll be more effective with just one Pacer guarding him, instead of two or three. #
  • And for crying out loud, start one of the excellent bench players, McBride or Sims or Burks, or all of them, and make sure the heroes of games 1 and 2 get plenty of rest. #

© copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.

Last update: Tuesday May 14, 2024; 2:32 PM EDT.

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