Let the Good Times Roll!Wednesday, February 21, 1996 by Dave Winer. Philippe Kahn, philippe@aol.com: "Laisez les bon temps rouler!" I had said "Maisez les bon temps roulez!" In either case, yes, let the good times roll! A New Orleans theme. A city which I love, in case you couldn't tell from my last piece. I also say what's done is done. Water under the bridge. I see no reason why Philippe and I can't be friends. He took the high road and responded with respect. I thanked him and offered the DaveNet stage to him. Next week. After the dust has settled from the 24 Hours of Democracy project. Stay tuned. About Christianity and Censorship
I've said this many times, but it's worth repeating. My job is to speak for myself. I see a Christian voting block because that's what TV tells me is happening. I heard from lots of Christians yesterday. That's coool. But I'm just one man. Educate me, yes, but educate everyone else too. Speak up! Be heard. Write. Correct the mis-impression. Christianity is being blamed for censorship on the net. I get it. This is just as wrong as painting the net as land of kiddie-porn. But please don't attack me, I'm just the messenger. It's about responsibility. You are responsible for stating your own point of view. The First Amendment isn't a savings account, waiting for you to use it someday when you need it. You must use it now or you lose it. That's never been more clear. Heard on the Net
"When they came for the Fourth Amendment I didn't say anything because I had nothing to hide. When they came for the Second Amendment I didn't say anything because I wasn't a gun owner. When they came for the Fifth and Sixth Amendments I didn't say anything because I had committed no crimes. When they came for the First Amendment I couldn't say anything." A quote from Senator Exon
"The information superhighway is a revolution that in years to come will transcend newspapers, radio, and television as an information source. Therefore, I think this is the time to put some restrictions on it." - James Exon (D - NE) Only 15 Hours Left
In 15 hours the mail server at "America Online" will go on the air. We'll start receiving registrations from 24 Hours essayists. If you want to follow the progress of the 24 Hours of Democracy project tune into the News page. There are already hundreds of essays on the web. I've been touring the sites, you can too, at the DaveNet Tours page. Press people: the main PR contact is Ken Montgomery at Alexander Communications, kmontgom@alexander-pr.com, 415-923-1660. Secondary contact: Tony Winders of the InterActive Agency, tony@iagency.com. We've collected a set of press resources in the Press Room. We will be issuing the first press release later today. We expect the news coming out of the project to happen next week after we've had a chance to digest, index and understand the essays that were registered. We hope at that time to have statements from industry and political and creative leaders. Stay tuned. Speak up!
Tomorrow is a day you can be heard. Essays don't have to be long. Yesterday's feature, For Emma was a short paragraph with a heart-grabbing photo. We've made it very easy for your essays to appear on the web. If you can write an email, you can be heard. Everyone who cares about free speech, everyone one cares about the Internet, should be heard tomorrow. Please participate! Thanks! Dave Winer PS: Webmasters: "I Want You!" |