A Time Capsule
Saturday, February 8, 1997 by Dave Winer.
Today is the first anniversary of the web blackout of 1996.
Let's go back in time, one year ago today.
I wrote two DaveNet pieces on that day.
I blacked out my website.
I got involved.
I was listening to the Dave Matthews Band.
I had just read Amy Tan's Hundred Secret Senses.
Rick Smolan had his 24 Hours in Cyberspace.
Bill Clinton signed the Communications Decency Act.
John Perry Barlow wrote a Declaration of Independence.
A process started. Before it was over, the software and online industry spoke. Netscape's home page was black. Bill Gates wrote an essay. Thousands of people were heard. Elegant statements everywhere. What a time it was! So much hope.
One year ago today.
A time capsule 
I'll have a longer DaveNet piece later today or early tomorrow.
During the next few days, much new web content and software will be released thru my home page.
If you have time to read and explore, I aim to provide a moving experience! We'll go back thru history, and look forward to the future.
If you were involved in the web blackout, or want to get a feeling for what it was like, please watch the Scripting News page. Sit down. Put some music on, get quiet. Read. Think. Feel.
You'll travel all over the world. You'll travel thru time too! Turn a corner, find a whole new time capsule. How the world has changed in the last year... We've gained so much. And lost a little too.
Free speech today and tomorrow.
For free!
See you there!
Dave Winer