Bang that Script!Tuesday, January 6, 1998 by Dave Winer. Good afternoon! We're moving again in a technical direction. Coming next is XML-based remote procedure calling over TCP. If that sounds like alphabet soup to you, wait for the next piece or the one after that. No anger here, or tears, male or otherwise -- no other emotion other than excitement. Let's have fun! Bang that Script!
You can help by checking out this web page: Every time you access that URL you will be helping to burn in new software that responds to requests over the Internet. So bang that CGI. Do it with style! Make a personal statement. Enjoy the experience. There's nothing new and revolutionary here, until I remember that, for Windows web developers, there *is* something new happening here. We've had this stuff working on the Mac for a couple of years. But with all due respect to people who develop on Windows, you haven't got it yet. Coming soooon! So I hope you visit that page, and help us by reloading a few times, and read the story. I think you'll find it interesting. Thanks! Dave Winer PS: What's the new thing? A web server with an integrated object database, HTML rendering engine, outliner, development tools, workflow, verb set, multi-threaded runtime. Put together, this is called a Content Management System. Yeah yeah, it's a new thing. Java can't do it. Perl can't either. We been diggin! PPS: To Steve Jobs, who says developers weren't doing special stuff for the Mac, get a clue! |