Macromedia and XML
Friday, November 13, 1998 by Dave Winer.
Oh I did a lot of writing this morning and I threw it allll away.
I was responding to a lot of confrontational email, and guess what, I was ignoring the best email I got all day.
So I went outside, what a gorgeous day, and said, to hell with that.
Let's talk about the good stuff!
The best email 
The best message came from Norm Meyrowitz, a top executive at Macromedia. He said that the next releases of two of their mainstays, Director and Dreamweaver, would both do XML beautifully and do it on both Mac and Windows.
This is expansive. It means that we will be able to create distributed content management networks, over HTTP, where Macs and Windows machines can be intermixed, as total peers, each doing the things they do best, or the things that the users prefer. Writers, designers, animators and system managers, each doing their thing, each using the OS they like to use.
So while everyone else is throwing rocks at each other, the programmers are busy making the software work better. It seems that the religion of helping each other is strong in the software business. You just have to tune out the noise, and choose to listen to the good stuff.
Have a grrreat day!
Dave Winer