Mail to the FutureWednesday, February 10, 1999 by Dave Winer. Washington Post
A great article in today's Washington Post, not about politics but about the always half-finished state of the web. "In the end, it's the crazy ad-hoc nature of Web technology that makes the Internet explosion so lovable. If the Web masters slowed down long enough to make sure everything worked, they'd lose momentum." (Aside: I'd like to talk with the Washington Post webmaster on the length of their URLS! They screw up my emails..) In that spirit
So just as I'm about to start diggin a new hole, I'm reminded that I haven't announced the one we dug last week! It's an idea out of the science fiction books. A way to send a piece of email to yourself or someone else, not right now, but in the future! It's a simple idea that's easy to use. It's also a demo app for Frontier 6, beyond Hello World, it's a lot like the early scriptable apps we did way back in 1991 when scripting was a single-machine proposition. Now, thru XML-RPC, we're reaching out over the net into all kinds of environments, and there are some lovely hidden Easter Eggs inside this little app. I'll write about the Easter Eggs later. Now it's time to go back and dig some more.. Seeya! Dave Winer