Dancing HamstersThursday, March 4, 1999 by Dave Winer. Lots of Pointer
For one reason or another, unknown to me, there's lots of creative stuff happening today on our websites. Broadband delivery
Early this morning we reached a milestone in our collaboration with Marc Canter and his team at Broadband Mechanics. Their high fidelity DHTML interface for our Mail to the Future service is now online, with two important caveats. 1. It requires MSIE 5.0b2/Windows, and 2. You must change your security settings to allow communication from clientside JavaScript and a remote server to enable the XML-RPC connection with the server. http://www.broadbandmechanics.com/importantMttfInstructions.htm When you're ready to dive into the wild and hairy (and gorgeous) world of broadband applications, go here.. http://broadband.mailtothefuture.com/ Technography marches forward
In Microsoft and XML-RPC, 1/29/99, I talked about technography and the march to use the Internet as a basis for intelligent group meetings. We've been making progress in designing the system, working with Bernie De Koven, the brilliant leading thinker and practitioner on using computers in meetings to enhance creativity and thoughtful and inclusive decision-making. http://discuss.userland.com/msgReader$3525 Today we realize that Internet-based technography is also a broadband application, and that the (first) weak link in the chain is the connection to the technographer. Linux GUI
Something for everyone! A fascinating and respectful discussion has broken out re graphic user interfaces for Linux. The perplexing proliferation of different user interfaces (not just APIs) is what will keep Linux from being a serious option for desktop users, people who write in emailers and use spreadsheets and word processors. For these people, a consistent user interface across multiple applications is a key feature. http://discuss.userland.com/msgReader$3530 Dancing Hamsters
Finally, it's still spring, and if all the technical ins and outs don't fascinate you as they do me, or even if they do, check this site out: And when you stop laughing, check this site out: http://www.io.com/~ryland/jesusdance/ Let's have fun! Dave Winer