An Open Letter to Steve CaseWednesday, April 28, 1999 by Dave Winer. Dear Steve,
I understand that Eric Harris, one of the accused killers in Littleton, had a website that was hosted by your company, America Online. I also understand that hours after the killings, AOL removed the site and passed it off to the FBI.,4,35501,00.html?owv That was on April 20, eight days ago. Subsequently, the massacre sparked a debate on the role of the web. I've heard the site talked about extensively, but I have not seen the site. No matter what it says, I think the web did its job here. It provided an outlet for a deranged mind. Before the crime it was just a cry for help. We could have helped. If we had listened. Now it is a monument to disaster. Evidence, possibly even literature. Let us listen and learn, now. Steve, a simple message. AOL was just a carrier. Like a phone company. Not responsible for what Harris said. His statements were public. Please let the public have a look. Thanks! Dave Winer
PS: Steve Case is the CEO of America Online. |