Scripting News BulletinsTuesday, August 10, 1999 by Dave Winer. ***Good morning!
A quick followup to yesterday's DaveNet piece on Deep Linking .
This morning, a NY Times story about Ticketmaster, and a new lawsuit filed on July 23, against Tickets.Com, once again over the issue of deep linking.
This is the second Ticketmaster lawsuit over deep linking. In January they settled with Microsoft over linking from Microsoft's Sidewalk website, with Microsoft agreeing not to link.
***Scripting News Bulletins
The Times story above is important if you're interested in the organization and architecture of the web. It's a hot story, the rules are being made right now. Heat ebbs and flows from different topic areas.
At any time I'm usually covering ten different threads, often in conjunction with other websites. As the web develops a story, new facts and points of view become available, ideas that might be incorporated in a future DaveNet piece, but often are not, due to lack of time and space.
That's why, about a month ago, we started a new service called Scripting News Bulletins. They're the background behind DaveNet, the facts and points of view that I use to form my own point of view.
So if you want to turn up the volume, to get more news, as it's happening, live on the web, visit this page and say you want to receive email bulletins.
There are usually two or three bulletins a day, and every email includes a link to a page that makes it easy to opt out. If you can receive HTML-formatted email, please do so, this allows you to see the pictures that are often part of bulletins. I hope lots of people sign up for the bulletins!
***Dave Winer
PS: In Why Should AOL Open Up? , 8/4/99, I said we would add community to the website. If you're interested in outlining software, I hope you'll sign up for email bulletins and post your outlining stories on the discussion group.