About MacsterSunday, July 23, 2000 by Dave Winer. A quickie
In a longer piece sent out earlier today I talked about the lack of a Napster for the Macintosh. I've gotten a lot of email about this, so I wanted to clear the record, yes I am aware of Macster, and its status with Napster, and its compatibility. At the time I wrote the piece, I had *only* heard about problems using Macster, I was not aware of anyone actually doing the Napster thing on a Mac. One of the great things about writing a public column like this is that you gather certain types of information very quickly (with lots of repetition). The message has gotten through. It's possible to have an excellent Napster experience on a Mac, even if some of the functionality is not there. The developers of Macster are much-loved and the software is beautiful, more beautiful than the Windows client, which I use. And yes, I also want to say that we care about the Mac, a lot, we even have a Weblog just for Mac-based Napster users. It's run by Susan Kitchens, who is a well-known book author, designer and community leader, and a fun person to hang out with. The welcome mat is out, the community is happening, if you identify with the Mac and love Napster, come visit, join the community, learn and share what you know. Go Macster! Dave Winer |