Two kickass speeches
Wednesday, December 13, 2000 by Dave Winer.
Here's my spin 
I watched both speeches tonight.
Gore gave a beautiful kickass concession speech.
I'd vote for him again.
Bush gave a somewhat less kickass speech.
No matter, I wept all the way through both speeches. Apparently I was storing a lot of stress over this. Resolution feels great.
OK Dubya is goofy, Gore was more presidential tonight. Gore's speech was truly beautiful. Made me proud to be an American, for the first time in a long long time. Of course Gore's speech was easier. He takes a ride into the sunset. Bush has a hard job to do.
I think it would be great if Gore got a cherry job in the new administration, like being the person responsible for the overhaul of the election process, so in 2004 we have ATM-like computers in every precinct, paid for by the US government. No more butterfly ballots or dimpled chads. Nuke em! Our treat.
Let's also have a Peace Corps-like volunteer program so citizens can pitch in and help get this together. Even geeks could play a role.
What do you think?
Dave Winer