Scripting News Dinner in NY, Monday 8/6/01Thursday, August 2, 2001 by Dave Winer. Good evening!
A very brief note to DaveNet readers. I'm off to New York tomorrow, and on Monday at 8PM we're going to have another in a series of dinner roundtables. They're always last-minute things, generally well-attended by interesting people, so if you're in NY on Monday, please come. We start at 8PM at Vincent's Clam Bar, 119 Mott St at Hester, 212-226-8133. Ask for the Scripting News dinner. Come for great spicy Italian seafood and great spicy tech conversation and networking. We have a form for RSVPing, free UserLand.Com membership required. I'm expecting about 30 people, but they assure me there will be room for more. See you on Monday! Dave |