Is CBS Lying?Saturday, January 31, 2004 by Dave Winer. Issue ads?
I'm really enjoying this new run of DaveNet pieces. It's nice because when I wish people knew something, I have a nice way to tell some people. Today there's something simple I'd like to say. I've seen the MoveOn.Org commercial that was slated to run during the Super Bowl tomorrow. It's a great ad. It wish everyone could see it, if only to feel the power of a citizen expressing a point of view in a powerful way. In other words you don't have to agree with the ad to be moved by it. CBS has said they won't run it because they don't run "issue ads" on the Super Bowl. I believe I've seen issue ads on the Super Bowl, in 2002, equating drug use with terrorism. So I think CBS does accept issue ads for the Super Bowl. The question of whether CBS is lying or not seems to hinge on what an issue ad is. I'm not an expert, so I might be missing something. If you think the MoveOn ad is an issue ad but the White House ads about drug use are not, please let me know. Dave Winer |