DaveNet: Thursday, August 7, 1997; by Dave Winer.
Microsoft's WWLive Conference
My friend Leo Artalejo, leoa@microsoft.com, a web developer evangelist at Microsoft, asked me to help spread the word about their WWLive event. No problem!WWLive
On August 21st, Microsoft will present a live half-day international broadcast to the Web designer and site author communities to deliver hands-on development information that will allow you to author the richest, most dynamic web sites possible, using Internet Explorer 4.0.
In five information-packed hours, IE product team members will walk through each new tag, line by line, to demonstrate how easy it is to plug into the power of IE 4.0, and why technologies like Dynamic HTML and Channel Definition Format (CDF) are the future of the Web.
The cost is $79 US, non-refundable. For more info check out the WWLive website.