A case study in talking points
Monday, November 30, 2015 by Dave Winer

I referred to "white American Christian terrorists" in a post

Which got this response from a user named WoodburyDave.

Who are you thinking are the white American Christian terrorists? I am aware of many American secularists who have engaged in mass shootings in the US, as well as, sadly, people who are mentally ill and whose shootings can't really be ascribed to any rational cause.

It's an invitation to debate. But I don't do debates, esp not on my own blog that I pay to host. But it is worth noting how beautifully he carves things up. First, he acknowledges there are such things as Christian terrorists. But he can't think of one. Do you know of any, he wonders.

My use of the term was packed with meaning that he is ignoring, choosing to debate a different question. My point is better-made if there aren't any Christian terrorists. I'm applying the same care with the term that others use for Muslims. Maybe Muslim terrorists are all mentally ill too? Or maybe there aren't any?  Shouldn't we cut Muslims the same slack we do for home-grown terrorists who are Christian? Maybe their religion or culture is as irrelevant as WoodburyDave thinks it is for American Christians? I don't hear the Republican candidates for President saying that, however, and they aren't saying it on Fox News either. They've said it the other way. If someone is Christian then they're not a terrorist (Jeb Bush).

Obviously the subtext of my piece was that there is a huge obvious glaring contradiction here. I am not Christian or Muslim, as I am not Republican or Democratic. So I see it better than a partisan would. They're practically condemning people for being Muslim. This is criminally unfair, and also very unwise. 

I don't like debating, esp with talking points, which is what WoodburyDave posted here. But I thank him, because his comment gave me the reason to put in moderation. It's time. ;-)