How to use the wizzy editor in replies
Saturday, January 9, 2016 by Dave Winer

Note to people who leave replies to my posts.

We have a nice wizzy editor here, that can among other things, create hypertext links. 

Here's how to do it.

  1. SIgn in with your Twitter account. We won't use your account for anything other than to identify you, so we know who to let edit the comments you create. 
  2. Choose Reply from the popup menu on this post.
  3. Type some text. 
  4. Select it with your mouse or your finger (on a phone).
  5. A nice little menu should pop up. Click the link icon. 
  6. Enter a URL. Something like
  7. Click the checkmark.

That's it -- you should now have a link.

This feature is thanks to the great medium-editor project. Muchos gracias.