It's even worse than it appears.
  • Todo#
  • Done#
    • only save after one second of inactivity#
    • command to make an outline public#
    • what needs to be in the head section?#
    • what server to use?#
      • the server will be responsible for storing public files and notification among the subscribers#
      • the same one LO2 uses.#
    • command to make the outline public#
      • stored as a header value#
  • Goals#
    • The goal is to be able to participate in the network defined by LO2 from Electric Outliner. This helps give the server its own identity in the mix, and we're federating based on OPML.#
    • Also want to bring this as a meta-question to Brent's group. Here's a product that is a first cousin to Frontier, if not a sibling. How should this be tested? Should we use this Slack group, or start another. Give this some thought. We all understand the tradeoffs.#

© 1994-2017 Dave Winer.

Last udpate: Monday May 29, 2017; 12:05 PM EDT.