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An idea for Rackspace
By Dave Winer on Sunday, April 18, 2010 at 11:27 AM.

Not sure why this seems right for Rackspace, but it does. permalink

First, if you haven't been using Dropbox, give it a try. It's easy to set up, very reasonable, and useful and fun. permalink

What's great is that it's easy to build a network of cooperating machines, and even use Dropbox for a very simple form of queue management, and while you're at it, why not use it as part of a publishing system? Indeed. permalink

What would be incredibly cool is if there were a way to: permalink

1. Create a hosting account and give it my Dropbox credentials and a path into my dropbox folder.  permalink

2. And have that sub-folder (only!) be served over HTTP at a domain address I provide (something like I take care of mapping the domain to the IP address you tell me to map it to. permalink

3. There's some bandwidth limit of say 1 terabyte a month, or less or more -- I don't know the economics -- make it competitive. But that's the only UI for the account. permalink

I know that Dropbox will allow HTTP access to my public folder, but there are serious (and very reasonable) bandwidth limits, and I want to use my own domain for hosting so I'm not locked in. permalink

Hey, this could even be a service Dropbox offers. permalink

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