By Dave Winer on Friday, July 16, 2010 at 3:24 PM.
I had to see Inception on opening day, even though thereviewerssaid it was a disappointment. They were right.
It happens the first two reviews I read were in Salon and the NY Times, and both were at best lukewarm, and I agree with both.
I have since read other reviews, and some even seem to like the movie.
About that I agree with New York's David Edelstein: "I truly have no idea what so many people are raving about. It's as if someone went into their heads while they were sleeping and planted the idea that Inception is a visionary masterpiece and -- hold on ... Whoa! I think I get it. The movie is a metaphor for the power of delusional hype -- a metaphor for itself"
I had to see it anyway because it starred Leonardo di Caprio and Ellen Page, but it's not a very great movie, in fact it's downright embarrassing in spots. Low suspension of disbelief.
The special effects are good in the beginning, and there are a few interesting psychological twists, but a plot that required way too much explaining, and wasn't very interesting.
If you haven't seen Memento, see it instead. You can see Christopher Nolan trying to recapture some of that magic, but it doesn't happen.