By Dave Winer on Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 9:50 AM.
Earlier this month I reported on bloggers leaving because the publisher sold a presence on the site to bloggers from PepsiCo.
One of the rationales for bundling all the science bloggers together in one place was the synergy that comes from aggregation. Of course, with RSS you can achieve the same effect, without putting them all on the same server. So I put it on my to-do list to set up an science blogs aggregator, and yesterday I had some time to do it, so here it is.
As always, the OPML for the site is public so if you want to feed it into your aggregator you're welcome to. You should reimport the OPML from time to time, or ask your aggregator developer to do it for you -- because that list will be updated dynamically as the site grows.
And if you know of science blogs that should be included in the list, please post a comment here.