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The feed is more or less done.
Each item points to the article being linked to from the Hacker News entry. The link points to the HN discussion page.
The feed is realtime, it has a functional element, and the notification server works (at least for now, knock wood, praise Murphy).
I am following it in my personal river. It's a lot of news, but I like having it there.
You're welcome to poll it, but it only updates at most once a minute, so there's no point in polling more frequently.
The source of the flow is http://api.ihackernews.com/new.
PS: Lots of interesting comments about the feed over on Hacker News.
PPS: The Twitterfeed folk are using this feed to link the firehose to Twitter.
PPPS: Even better, they say they're going to hook into rssCloud!!